Why Valente Real Estate?

Small-Town Values and World-Class Experience Deliver Results for Buyers and Sellers

Valente Real Estate office since 1979 located at 2985 Dougall Ave, Windsor, Ontario

Buyers and sellers have a make-or-break choice in the brokerage they select to represent their interests in real estate. Likewise, when aspiring Real Estate Agents enter their careers, they have a similar choice to make. To become registered to practice real estate sales in Ontario, an applicant must join a brokerage. But which one? And why? I knew the right choice was Valente, for the same reasons they’re the right choice for you.

Across online forums for students of real estate, you’ll find the same questions: “Which brokerages are reputable?”, “Who is using the latest tech?”, and of course, “Where will I make the most money?”

I had an additional question: “Where will I be happy?”

Thankfully, I found the answer in my own backyard, both figuratively and literally. One hot July day, Sharon Mack, Valente Real Estate Agent and long-time friend, cooled off in our pool. Leaning on the pool stairs, we discussed her new career. She sang praise for her brokerage; the genuine positive culture, the support, the mentorship. How Ida Sproule, a decorated industry leader in the region, openly shared her knowledge with new agents.

Sharon’s brokerage checks the other boxes, too. Demonstrating consistent performance, Valente’s annual revenue is among the top three brokerages in Windsor, ON according Dun & Bradstreet (2021), and they are in step with current best practices and technology. When it comes to reputation, the Valente family are a household name in the community. Remo Valente opened his real estate office at the corner of Howard and Tecumseh in 1973, moved to Dougall six years later, and upgraded his company to corporate status in 1990. My wife, an Early Childhood Educator, even taught a child of the Valentes in her preschool classroom. So when I began my career in real estate sales, my choice of brokerage was clear.

The significance of these virtues for buyers and sellers, is that clients directly benefit from the Valente Sales Team’s decades of reputable experience dedicated to Windsor-Essex. The technology we use, our system of knowledge-sharing, and our persistent track record through the ups and downs of the market all contribute to the success of the clients we represent as we pursue the best possible outcomes in all transactions. We are happy when YOU are happy!

Call or text today to set up an appointment with Aimee: 226-724-2979

You can also email any time: aimeeonyourside@gmail.com